Operation Food for Thought

In 2021, our company came together for Operation Food for Thought, a virtual volunteering challenge to unlock funding for 2,000 schoolchildren in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland to receive weekend food packs for a full academic year. The challenge: log virtual volunteer hours for education-related programs and for each hour logged, up to 2,000 hours, the company would fund a food pack. 

Travelers employees logged more than 6,000 hours, easily meeting the goal. Travelers then partnered with Blessings in a Backpack and other organizations to ensure backpacks of food would be distributed to children whose families struggle with food insecurity. 

More Community

Travelers embraces the mission of Habitat for Humanity® and helps to build safe, affordable — and FORTIFIED — homes, promoting homeownership for lower-income families.

Travelers employees at a Habitat for Humanity volunteer event.

Following the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Travelers stepped up to the plate in more ways than one to help bring play back to the kids of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

Volunteers at Puerto Rico park.

Travelers partners with KABOOM! to build playgrounds to increase opportunities for kids to explore, learn and grow in safe, fun environments.

Travelers employees at the KABOOM! playground.