Travelers Benefit Program Payment Process

What happens after homeowner(s) become enrollee(s)?

When a CFSIC claim progresses to the CFSIC pre-payment stage, CFSIC asks the homeowner(s) to execute a CFSIC Participation Agreement.  That agreement is another document that enrollees in the Travelers Benefit Program must authorize CFSIC to provide to Travelers.  Travelers will notify the enrollee(s) when it receives a copy of their Participation Agreement from CFSIC.

Once the enrollee(s)’ CFSIC claim has been fully paid and closed, Travelers must receive documentation of the payment(s) CFSIC made, the concrete work for which the CFSIC payment(s) were made and the contract (Type 1 CFSIC claimants) or paid invoice (Type 2 CFSIC claimants) upon which the CFSIC payment(s) were based.  Enrollee(s) must authorize CFSIC to provide this documentation to Travelers.  Travelers will contact the enrollee(s) once it has received the required documentation from CFSIC and begin the process of determining the amount of their Travelers Benefit.

What Costs Will Be Paid by the Travelers Benefit Program?

Travelers will use the documentation provided by CFSIC, as well as any other relevant information (including, if appropriate, information gathered during an inspection of the home), to determine the amount of the enrollee(s)’ Travelers Benefit.

The Travelers Benefit applies only to (and only in the following order to):

  1. the cost of any CFSIC-eligible concrete work that was not covered by CFSIC;
  2. the cost of repair of any pyrrhotite-related Dwelling damage not covered by CFSIC;
  3. the cost of repair of any pyrrhotite-related damage to Other Structures such as driveways and patios.  

No other costs are eligible for a Travelers Benefit.

The total per-home financial assistance provided to enrollee(s) from CFSIC, the Travelers Benefit Program and any other source cannot exceed 100% of costs incurred to: (a) remove and replace the concrete foundation; (b) repair any damage to the Dwelling and/or Other Structures resulting from the removal/replacement of the concrete foundation; and (c) repair any damage to the Dwelling and/or Other Structures otherwise caused by the presence of pyrrhotite in the foundation.

For enrollee(s) who are qualified current Travelers customers, the maximum potential Travelers Benefit is $25,000. For enrollee(s) are qualified past Traveler customers, the maximum potential benefit is $10,000.

The Travelers Benefit is generally payable only for completed work. In Travelers discretion, and only to the extent that the contract at issue requires a payment (over and above the amount paid by CFSIC) before the work that is the subject of the Travelers Benefit can be undertaken and only upon submission of appropriate documentation, may a single advance payment, of no more than 25% of the Travelers Benefit, be issued prior to the completion of all of the work that is the subject of the Travelers Benefit.

Benefit Determination Example

By way of example, assume the contract upon which the CFSIC payment was based includes the following work and that all of the work has been completed:

  1. $182,000 for CFSIC-eligible concrete work
  2. $40,000 for other pyrrhotite-related Dwelling work (sheet rock replacement, etc., in basement family room)
  3. $12,000 for driveway and patio restoration necessitated by CFSIC-eligible concrete work
  4. $5,000 for unrelated roof work
  5. $3,000 for landscaping.

Also assume that the maximum CFSIC benefit of $175,000 was paid to the contractor for CFSIC-eligible concrete work. Only the following costs would be relevant to the determination of the Travelers Benefit:

  1. $7,000 for CFSIC-eligible concrete work
  2. $40,000 for other pyrrhotite-related Dwelling work (sheet rock replacement, etc., in basement family room)
  3. $12,000 for driveway and patio restoration necessitated by CFSIC-eligible concrete work.

The total of the above costs is $59,000. If the enrollee(s) are qualified current Travelers customers, they would be eligible for the full $25,000 Travelers Benefit applicable to current customers; if the enrollees are qualified past Travelers customers, the full $10,000 past customer benefit would apply.

What if the enrollee(s) do not agree with Travelers’ determination of the Travelers Benefit applicable to their home?

Enrollee(s) who wish to dispute Travelers’ determination of their Travelers Benefit must notify Travelers in writing -- and provide any documentation they wish to submit to support their position -- within 30 days of receiving written notice informing them of Travelers’ determination of their Travelers Benefit. Notice should be sent to

Travelers will then have fourteen days to advise the enrollee(s) if it has made any change to its determination of their Travelers Benefit.

If the enrollee(s) continue to disagree with Travelers determination, they may either:

  1. withdraw from the Travelers Benefit Program; or
  2. submit, within 30 days, a written request to have the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) resolve the disagreement. The request should be sent to CID will review the documents and render a decision within 30 days. The CID decision will be final and not be subject to review. The enrollee(s) must either accept CID’s determination of their Travelers Benefit or withdraw from the Travelers Benefit Program.

What happens after the amount of the Travelers Benefit is determined?

Once the amount of the Travelers Benefit available to the enrollee(s) has been determined, the following must occur before a Travelers Benefit payment may be issued:

  1. The enrollee(s) must notify Travelers in writing that they wish to accept the Travelers Benefit. Notice should be sent to
  2. Travelers will provide the enrollee(s) with a Travelers Benefit Program Release Agreement  that sets forth the amount of their Travelers Benefit. Click on the link to view a copy of the agreement.
  3. All enrollee(s) (i.e., all owners of the subject home) must execute the Travelers Benefit Program Release and their signatures must be notarized.
  4. The original notarized copy of the executed Travelers Benefit Program Release must be sent to:

National Claim Center
99 Lamberton Road
Windsor CT 06095
ATTN: Travelers Benefit Program

Travelers will notify the enrollee(s) when the document is received.

  1. Once the properly executed Travelers Benefit Program Release is received, Travelers will begin the payment process. The Travelers Benefit is generally payable only for completed work. In Travelers’ discretion, and only to the extent that the contract at issue requires a payment (over and above the amount paid by CFSIC) before the work that is the subject of the Travelers Benefit can be undertaken and only upon submission of appropriate documentation, may a single advance payment, of no more than 25% of the Travelers Benefit, be issued prior to the completion of all of the work that is the subject of the Travelers Benefit. Apart from such an advance payment, no Travelers Benefit payment will be issued until Travelers has receive documentation showing that all of the work upon which the amount of the Travelers Benefit was based has been completed to the satisfaction of the enrollee(s). Documentation of completion should be submitted to Travelers may inspect the home to confirm the work has been completed.
  2. If the enrollee(s) are Type 1 CFSIC claimant(s), payment will be issued to their contractor(s) in accord with the price set forth in the contract(s) (to the extent that the work has been completed, the enrollee(s) have paid the contactor and they provide documentation of such payment, payment may be issued to the enrollee(s)).   If the enrollee(s) are Type 2 CFSIC claimant(s), payment may be issued to the enrollee(s) to the extent that they have provided documentation that they have paid the persons who performed the work.
  3. Additional Resources: