Application for Enrollment

Owner name 1:

Email address 1:

Owner name 2 (Optional):

Email address 2 (Optional):

Owner name 3 (Optional):

Email address 3 (Optional):

Owner name 4 (Optional):

Email address 4 (Optional):

Owner name 5 (Optional):

Email address 5 (Optional):

Owner who will be primary point of contact:

Phone number:




ZIP code:

Policy #1 (Optional):

Policy #2 (Optional):

Named insured 1 (Optional):

Named insured 2 (Optional):

Named insured 3 (Optional):

5. Have you enrolled in the Connecticut Foundations Solutions Indemnity Company program?
6. Have you received a CFSIC enrollment approval letter?
7. Have you authorized CFSIC to provide the CFSIC approval letter and the other CFSIC documentation required by the Travelers Benefit Program to Travelers?

Company Name (Optional):

Pressing the SUBMIT button below constitutes certification that all owners of the home are listed above, all have agreed to submission of this application on their behalf and all have agreed that the provided information is true and accurate.

Pressing the SUBMIT button below constitutes certification that all owners of the home are listed above, all have agreed to submission of this application on their behalf and all have agreed that the provided information is true and accurate.

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