The Cyber Risk
Pressure TestDisclaimer: Please note our use of “company” in this quiz includes all types of organizations such as non-profits and public entities in addition to businesses. The information you provide while taking the Cyber Risk Pressure Test will only be used in an aggregate format to enhance our services to the users; it will not be used to identify your company or your company’s risk in any particular area. We will not sell or market your information to any third party. We reserve the right to change the data or output at any time without notice. Your use of this tool does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverage of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers or any of its subsidiaries, nor is it a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. -
Identifying the systems and information most critical to your operations, as well as who has access to them, is the first step in protecting your company against cyber threats.
Taking the necessary measures to protect your company against a data breach or attack is an important component of any cyber security strategy.
Remaining prepared to respond to, mitigate and recover from a data breach or cyber attack is a key component in a successful cyber risk management strategy.
Just one last thing...
You’re almost done. The last few questions will allow us to show how your results compare to similar businesses. They will not affect your risk assessment and your personally identifiable information will not be saved or sold to any third parties.