Perks Hub

At Travelers, we're pleased to bring you our Perks Hub.* Here you can take advantage of a curated selection of discounts and offers on a variety of brands – including smart home security options – to help manage your life at home and on the road.**

Family of four cooking together at their kitchen counter


Check out offers and discounts from brands you may know and discover some new ones. No enrollment, forms or paperwork is required. Participants do not need to earn points to redeem the offers. And for every offer redeemed, we will fund the planting of a tree in partnership with American Forests.***

Learn more about Travantage  

Simplisafe home security sign in the front yard of a house

Experience Whole-Home Security with SimpliSafe®

Travelers and SimpliSafe are bringing you discounted home security kits to help protect against intruders, fire, floods & more.  Plus, the first two months of monitoring are included with your kit purchase!****

Learn more about SimpliSafe  

Prepare & Prevent

Yard Safety

Backyard activities, such as swimming in a pool and grilling, have their own set of risks. Help prevent accidents with yard safety tips from Travelers.

Woman pushing son at the park

How to Help Protect Your Smart Home from Hackers

Are you enjoying the convenience of a virtual assistance, smart appliance, smart home security or smart lighting? Here are some steps you can take to make it harder for your smart home to be hacked.

woman protecting her home using home security system

Preparing Your Home for Vacation

Protect your home from theft and damage while you are away on vacation. Get tips on preparing your home for vacation from Travelers.

person locking door before going on vacation

3-Minute Home Security Checklist

Follow this quick three-minute home security checklist before you leave your house each day to help prevent break-ins. Learn more about home security with Travelers.

Married couple locking door behind them before going on a walk with their baby

9 Home Security Tips

Wondering how to secure your home and prevent home break-ins? Get tips on protecting your home from theft with simple security steps.

woman punching code into home security system

Snowbirds: How to Winterize Your Home While You're Away

If you're a snowbird, these home winterization tips can help prevent damage and theft while you're away for the winter. Learn how to winterize your house now.

Person adjusting home thermostat as part of winterization