What Is Nonprofit Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance?

Nonprofit directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance helps cover the defense costs, settlements and judgments arising out of lawsuits and wrongful act allegations brought against a nonprofit organization. Many times, nonprofits may not even realize that their board members may be held personally liable for the actions of the organization. Protect your organization's mission and your board member's personal assets with directors and officers liability insurance for nonprofit organizations – you can’t afford not to.

What does D&O insurance for nonprofits cover?

Nonprofit organizations of all sizes can be under the threat of litigation from vendors, donors, competitors, employees and government regulators. Without the proper coverage, it can be difficult to cover costs of legal fees or damage awards if faced with a lawsuit.

Directors and officers liability insurance for nonprofit organizations is designed to help protect the organization, its mission and its directors and officers if they are sued by vendors, current or former employees, donors, beneficiaries or other parties. Suits can claim actual or alleged errors, misleading statements, breach of duty or misuse of funds or authority, putting the mission of the organization as well as the personal assets of board members at risk in defending against these suits. 

Who is D&O liability insurance for nonprofits right for?

Directors and officers liability insurance can help secure a nonprofit’s mission and protect the personal assets of directors and board members. Having the right coverage can help attract and retain qualified directors and board members to your nonprofit organization.

Features of D&O insurance for nonprofits

Directors and officers liability insurance for nonprofit organizations offers protection for the risks that nonprofit organizations face. Nonprofit directors and officers liability coverage not only includes coverages for the defense costs, settlements and judgments associated with claims against nonprofit organizations but also helps protect the personal assets of the organization’s directors and board members.

Learn more about directors and officers liability insurance for nonprofit organizations with the information below. 


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