Auto Claim Medical Solutions

Healthcare costs can often represent a significant portion of auto claim payments. Through the innovative and strategic use of medical data, medical expertise and sophisticated technology, Travelers provides superior claim service that focuses on the management of medical costs.

Stethoscope image on blue background. Text, Auto Claim Capabilities, Auto Claim Medical Solutions

Dedicated Medical Professionals

Our medical professionals and dedicated auto nurses help to achieve optimal outcomes by partnering and consulting with Claim professionals on first- and third-party medical claims. They provide critical insight on matters such as causation, necessity of future medical treatment, costs, appropriateness of treatment and complex conditions and comorbidities.

Comprehensive Medical Bill Analysis

At Travelers, medical bills are analyzed for duplicate submissions and unrelated treatment and compared to usual and customary pricing or fee schedules to ensure appropriate and accurate payment.1

Our Specialized Medical Audit Review Team (SMART) proactively identifies trends and issues that can increase costs – such as upcoding or overbilling – and implement targeted strategies to mitigate costs.

Medical Investigation Unit (MIU)

Our dedicated MIU team members have been recognized in the industry for their focus on the identification and prevention of medical fraud. As a result, many MIU team members hold leadership and board positions within industry associations and provide training or consultation to law enforcement.

Our MIU training program has previously been provided to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) and was incorporated into the NICB Medical Investigation Academy program to aid the insurance industry with combating medical fraud.

1Where used and allowed by law