Travelers Proactive Anti-Fraud Services
Giving you the expertise and resources you need to protect your business.
Workers Compensation fraud is more common than you think and difficult to detect. Your company is not immune. Fraud can cause higher premium costs, lower employee productivity, and increase the costs of your goods and services. The most common forms of fraud involve employees who:
- Report an injury that did not occur.
- Report an injury that did not occur at work.
- Exaggerate a legitimate injury to avoid returning to work.
The best course of action is to try to stop fraud before it happens. If you want to learn how to protect your company from fraud, Travelers Proactive Anti-Fraud Services can help by giving you the tools and skills you need.
Designed to help you identify and manage fraud.
We will show you how to:
- Create a robust anti-fraud culture.
- Recognize indicators that may precede a questionable claim.
- Effectively capture relevant data.
- Leverage the capabilities of Travelers Investigative Services.
- Enhance your investigative and interviewing skills.

Fraud Warning Signs
- Claims filed by new or disgruntled employees.
- Claims filed on Monday morning.
- History of filing multiple claims.
- Claim filed long after an event.
Are you sure the injury occurred on the job?
The expertise and experience to help you.
You can count on Travelers. We have one of the industry’s largest teams. With over 2,000 workers compensation Claim professionals, across the country, averaging 15 years’ experience, we can deliver specialized claim handling to businesses just like yours. Seventy-five percent of our Investigative Services team have law enforcement training and 96 percent are field based, dedicated to outside investigative work.
Our team was very pleased with the information and said how helpful it was and that they feel better equipped to manage questionable claims.
Susanne Young
Huntsville, AL
Contact your agent/broker or your Travelers claim account executive to learn how you can add Travelers Proactive Anti-Fraud Services to your workers compensation coverage.