Specialized Claim Support

Specialized claim support.

The people and resources that support your claim

Specialized Claim Support

Supplementing the work of our front-line Claim professionals are shared resource teams with specialized skills and expertise. 

In addition to their extensive training and industry experience, these professionals are supported by data, analytics and technologies that can offer insights into and strategies for your claim.

Our people apply their insights to every stage of your claim to drive optimal outcomes.

Explore our solutions:

See how we can help you make an informed decision about filing a claim.

man working on the computer in the office.

Find out how our subrogation unit works to recover cost during a claim.

employees having meeting in the office.

Understand how our investigative unit works to prevent fraud and loss.

employee checking cameras.

Understand how our scientists help support the investigation of claims.

two women working in the laboratory.

Learn about the state-of-the-art training Claim professionals receive.

students visiting factory.

Understand how our attorneys help protect your brand and reputation.

staff having meeting in the office.

Explore how we prepare for catastrophic events.

Employees analyzing catastrophic respones.

Learn how our Customer Resource Group (CRG) can assist you during your claim.

operators in the office talking.