Risk Management Solutions

Our Risk Control consultants visit new businesses every day. That experience provides Travelers with a window into common risks in businesses like yours. (It also provides insight into what threatens your home.)
We share what we learn from our thousands of customer interactions every year in our rich collection of risk management solutions, including articles, guides, assessments and training offerings available in our website’s “Prepare & Prevent” pages and MyTravelers®, our secure customer site.
MyTravelers online risk control tools and resources
Access 1,000+ risk control tools and resources to help you keep your employees and business safe. Explore featured tools and resources on your personalized MyTravelers homepage or select the risk control tab to access our full collection of resources, including safety training resources.
You can use the risk control section of MyTravelers to:
- Search and navigate more than 1,000 risk control tools and resources
- Explore and participate in training programs
- Conduct self-assessments and implement action plans using Travelers self-assessments
- Review your Travelers correspondence
To access the site, log in with your user ID and password at MyTravelers.com. Not registered? Register now.

Travelers Industrial Hygiene Laboratory
Help for managing your occupational health exposures.