Smart Solutions for Large Construction Losses

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By Travelers
63 minutes

Insight #1  |  Insight #2  |  Insight #3  |  Full Webinar Video

Large construction losses typically result from serious incidents that can endanger lives and bring major financial and reputational risks to companies. The good news is that technology can help provide effective ways to avoid injuries, accidents and damage to vehicles and equipment. By carefully assessing, selecting and implementing smart solutions, construction companies can enhance risk management and elevate safety standards. 

Unlock expert insights on preventing large construction claim losses

The construction world is fast-paced and ever-changing. That’s why having a clear understanding of potential risks and innovative solutions is crucial for contractors, as highlighted in these key insights from our Smart Solutions for Large Construction Losses webinar.

Insight #1

Top 3 Types of Large Construction Losses

Large losses in the construction industry typically result from catastrophic events and safety failures. These not only disrupt the project but can result in injuries and fatalities while impacting adjacent properties and infrastructure.

Thad Doyle, AVP of Construction Claim at Travelers, describes the main types of large construction losses, which may result from collapses, injuries, fatalities, workers compensation claims, structural defects and more.

Insight #2

AI in Construction

AI plays a significant role in technology’s future and is increasingly used to help improve safety in the construction industry.

Matt Abeles, VP of Construction Technology and Innovation at Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), discusses how AI is the hottest topic in construction tech for ABC. He also shares specific examples of AI usage, including autonomous equipment.

Insight #3

Telematics, Equipment Tracking and Fleet Management

Telematics and AI in vehicles, digitized tracking and fleet management software can help mitigate risks on construction job sites.

Matt Abeles shows how some contractors are using autonomous equipment and various technologies for tracking equipment location and monitoring wear and tear.

Watch the full replay: Smart Solutions for Large Construction Losses

Watch the full webinar replay to explore this topic in-depth. Learn from our expert panel as they discuss how new technology can help mitigate large claim losses on construction job sites and help contractors protect their workers and assets.

Panel members


Cori MacCallum
AVP, Construction Energy & Marine, Travelers


Thad Doyle
AVP, Construction Claim, Travelers

Matt Abeles
VP, Construction Technology and Innovation, Associated Builders and Contractors

Mark Nowakowski
AVP, Risk Control, Travelers

Navigate to these timestamps in the full webinar below:

  • Types of large construction losses (3:38)
  • Common job site injuries and financial impacts (5:18)
  • AI and autonomous construction equipment (9:53)
  • Auto work zone injury risks and how to mitigate (15:55)
  • How equipment tracking and fleet monitoring systems can improve safety (18:17)
  • Injury risks and losses caused by heavy equipment (22:10)
  • Losses due to construction defects (29:45)
  • Project management software’s effect on construction performance (33:18)
  • Cyberattack threats to the construction industry (38:33)

Construction workers pouring concrete at a construction site.

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