Hat to Hat: Construction Defect

When we put our construction hat on, we feel right at home. That's because many of our employees come from the construction industry and bring an expertise that serves as the base for deep relationships, trust and overall commitment to our customers. See how a 30-year relationship with one Travelers customer helped to avoid a potentially costly construction defect issue.
Text, hat to hat. Two hard hats on a red beam. New York City in the background. Two women sit on beam.
DAWN PRESTON: So jeez, Bobbie, how long have how long have I worked with you?
BOBBIE YOUNG: I'm going back to the 90s. Have you been with Travelers that long?
DAWN PRESTON: I've been with Travelers almost 30 years now, in the construction department for 23. Youhad Travelers for your insurance carrier before we had our construction division, so.
BOBBIE YOUNG: So we go back a long time.
Text, Construction Defect.
BOBBIE YOUNG: I've found over the years that one of the most critical pieces of information that I could ever gain in being in business is that documentation is so, so vital. So important, especially for our business in fire protection. Because of the way you, at Travelers, reinforce this documentation and making sure that this is all done and made aware for our people. We have come a long way because of that. Without all the documentation, we could be in for a great deal of claims that were really not our fault.
DAWN PRESTON: That's one of the biggest ways we can help you minimize the potential damages resulting from a construction defect.
Documentation saves the day.
BOBBIE YOUNG: Do you remember that incident with the window that was missing at the school?
DAWN PRESTON: Oh, yeah, yeah.
DAWN PRESTON: Big claim they were looking for.
BOBBIE YOUNG: And the water ran down through a few floors and caused a lot of damage. But we had the documentation, the tech had written down that the window was missing, and this claim happened six months later in the cold of winter. So we were able to tell Travelers that we had this documentation, that the window had never been repaired.
Early reporting helps.
DAWN PRESTON: The other thing that helps a lot with keeping costs down associated with any incidents that do happen, is the fact that you're quick to call us. Let us know when something happens, let us get our claim people involved, let us get our lab involved, actually get into that defense investigation process, which helps minimize again, that construction defect claim that comes down.
Industry experience matters.
BOBBIE YOUNG: Knowing that Travelers has people like yourself that have been trained in the business of construction is so important to me, because I can pick up another insurance company, but are they as versed in construction?
DAWN PRESTON: That was one of the reasons Travelers decided to specialize and start our construction division with the risk control people like myself, only deal with contractors. We have the claim staff, only works with our contractors. So that everybody's kind of talking the same language.
BOBBIE YOUNG: You are always there, always 100% behind the companies that are out there. So I think that's very helpful as well.
DAWN PRESTON: Hey, Bobbie, thanks fortaking the time.
BOBBIE YOUNG: Thank you for calling me up it was fun.
They stand up and walk off, which reveals the set. The red beam rests on cinder blocks.
To learn more about the total cost of construction risk contact your Travelers representative.
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